
Club Information Email:

General Information Email:

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Question: What are “Package Services” to a club?
Answer: Any level of services provided by a superintending organization without a representative being physically present at the show. Normally, this would include all paperwork needed to run the show, including premium lists (and mailing), taking the entries, Judging Programs, catalogs, armbands, etc.

Question: How are armband numbers assigned?
Answer: After entries close, we assign the numbers on a random basis, it is not generated by a first entered, first numbered system.

Question: Can an exhibitor make a request for a show?
Answer: Certainly, a request should be made in writing and can be submitted with your entry or as an email. Please include your dogs name and AKC number. We do try to honor as many requests as possible.

Question: Can an exhibitor check on the status of their entry?
Answer: Yes, we prefer to have an email requesting the information in order to verify that it matches what is on the entry form. If by phone, we must be sure that it is the owner or authorized agent.

Question: When do entries close?
Answer: For an All Breed Club that will be on Thursday, Friday or the weekend, AKC requires that entries close no later than the third Wednesday prior to the show. For Specialties, the club may use any closing date and time, so please read the premium list carefully.

Question: What is your overnight mailing address?

  • Foy Trent Dog Shows
    116 N Ogden
    Sturgeon, MO 65284

Question: If paying by check, who should the check be payable to?
Answer: For all shows we do, all checks for entries will be made out to Foy Trent Dog Shows. For other activities such as seminars, please read the premium list to find out where the check should go and to whom it should be made out to.

Question: Will the exhibitor receive a confirmation that their entry made it to FTDS?
Answer: If an email address is provided on the entry form, then we email a confirmation the morning after it is put in the database. For online entries, the invoice receipt is confirmation that we received the entry and has the dogs name, AKC number, Show(s) and classes entered.

Question: How can entries be made?
Answer: We accept entries through our online entry system, by mail and by fax. We do not accept telephone entries. Telephone entries can be made through any of the available entry services up to the closing time.

Question: When do Premium Lists get mailed
Answer: AKC requires that they be mailed no later than 5 weeks prior to closing if mailed by other than 1st class. Our deadline is six weeks and is what we strive for.

This page last updated on December 11, 2012.
Copyright 2023 Foy Trent Dog Shows. All rights reserved.